Thursday, October 9, 2008

Letters about Literature Contest

Do you enjoy reading? Has a particularly good book ever changed the way you view the world or your place in it? Then you might consider writing a letter to the author of that great book, and submitting it for consideration in the Letters about Literature contest.

Competing at the national level can win you a $500 Target gift card and $10,000 for your community or school library. This is the fourth year Washington State Library has sponsored the competition as part of Washington Reads. For guidelines and to download an application, go to

Twilight Series - Edward's Story

Can't wait for the next installment of Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series Midnight Sun (Edward's version)? Well apparently neither could others, and the draft of the book was leaked on the Internet. Rather than fighting the problem, the author decided to post her "official" draft on her own blog. Take a look at

Happy Reading!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Featured Fun on the Web

Since I'm kind of a fan of supernatural stories, I couldn't resist picking up the new book Ghostgirl by Tonya Hurley featuring a teen girl who wants desperately to be popular, and more importantly, to be noticed by a particular boy. While attempting to hang out with the popular girls, she accidentally chokes on a gummy bear, dies, and becomes a ghost. Of course, this presents an even bigger challenge for getting noticed. The book was based on a popular Website by the author. Take a look at and then consider reading Ghostgirl by Tonya Hurley.